The neck of ants
The neck is an important part of the ant, because it needs to support the entire weight of the load it carries in the mouth. It contains soft tissues that bind to the exoskeleton of the body and the head as if it were interlaced fingers. The exoskeleton is an external skeleton (Outside the body) that is strong and lightweight, with six legs that distribute the weight at different points of support. The weight that the ants can withstand, varies with each species, for example, Atta or Leaf Cutter Ant supports 15 to 20 times its weight, Atta weighs about (0,000529109 oz) ie a tablet for head pain is heavier than it then it supports (0,00793664 oz) in your neck. To better understand if a man had this power he would carry 1 short ton, or weighs of one popular car of 2.000 lbs in the mouth using only the strength of the neck. One of the researchers said: "The format and structure of this connection are so important because they keeps stronger the junction between head and body and help the neck of ant to bear huge loads." The researchers believe that understanding the ant's neck work, will help design robotic mechanisms to be more efficient.

Referências: https://www.jw.org/pt/publicacoes/revistas/despertai-n3-junho-2016/fatos-sobre-a-anatomia-das-formigas/#?insight[search_id]=e9821688-f062-41c1-84b8-c557677081d2&insight[search_result_index]=0.
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