
quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2016

Camponotus Festinatus vs. Camponotus Vittatus

Uma dúvida que muitas pessoas que criam formigas tem é sobre a identificação das espécies, pois são parecidas ou algo assim, então deduzem que aquela formiga só pode ser essa porque acham que não existe formigas "iguais", e é ai que muitos se enganam, mas a partir de hoje isso irá mudar, pois irei trazer vários Posts sobre identificação de formigas nacionais e futuramente internacionais e nesse post as nossas "combatentes" serão as:

Bem, vocês devem está pensando: " Poxa cara elas são idênticas, são a copia cuspida e escarrada uma da outra". Acredito que ninguém mais fala assim kkk.

Eu sei que elas são parecidas uma com a outra, porém uma diferença - onde uma existe não tem a outra. Como assim? Vou explicar

A camponotus Festinatus ela só existe  em partes dos Estados Unidos e no México. Ela não existe no Brasil.
Já a Camponotus Vittatus ela só existe no Brasil, em nenhum outro lugar tem essa espécie.

Mas caso você viaje para outro país e por um acaso na volta você perceber que há uma formiga idêntica? como saber qual é?

Espero que tenha ajudado a Vocês. Dúvidas comentem ou mande-me um e-mail

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2016

The Neck of Ants

The neck of ants

Some Mechanical engineers was impressed with the ability of ants of lifting more heavy loads than herself. To understand how she can do this, engineers at Ohio State University, USA, have created computer models to study how the neck of the ant as well as their anatomy and physical properties. They created these models using cross-sectional images of X-ray and simulations that measure the Ant's neck resistance.

The neck is an important part of the ant, because it needs to support the entire weight of the load it carries in the mouth. It contains soft tissues that bind to the exoskeleton of the body and the head as if it were interlaced fingers. The exoskeleton is an external skeleton (Outside the body) that is strong and lightweight, with six legs that distribute the weight at different points of support. The weight that the ants can withstand, varies with each species, for example, Atta or Leaf Cutter Ant supports 15 to 20 times its weight, Atta weighs about (0,000529109 oz) ie a tablet for head pain is heavier than it then it supports (0,00793664 oz) in your neck. To better understand if a man had this power he would carry 1 short ton, or weighs of one popular car of 2.000 lbs in the mouth using only the strength of the neck. One of the researchers said: "The format and structure of this connection are so important because they keeps stronger the junction between head and body and help the neck of ant to bear huge loads." The researchers believe that understanding the ant's neck work, will help design robotic mechanisms to be more efficient.


sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

Acromyrmex (en)

What are? Where they are found? What is the life expectancy? What do they eat? Their species and Genres. What are your habits?

What are?

The Acromyrmex, leafcutter ant. Are ants similar to attas with respect to their habits, and are also eusocial, ie , are very, very, very organized. Having in their society, breeding ants, soldiers, dumpsters, leafcutter ant and Nurses, displaying 03 (Three) characteristics in their society: The passing of generations in the same nest, the mutual care of the nest and the division of tasks (Breeding and Worker). The Society of Acromyrmex is divided between: Fertile (queen and male) and Infertile (Collectors, Nurses, cleaners, guards and Farmers).



The Acromyrmex Queen is the largest ant of all the anthill and is also the only that can procreate. It is born of another Queen, ie, a fertile queen lays an egg, the egg becomes a larva created and nurtured especially to become sexually mature and active (during the larval stage the levels of care and nutrition will determine what type of ant go become when given little food, the larvae, become workers, but However when a larva receives a lot of food, it will develop into a queen), then turns into a cocoon and is born a female ant queen. Since egg up to adulthood is one  of eggs more care in the nest , but they are born only three years after the colony was founded and then mates with the male, then falls to the ground and starts a new tingling, starting the cycle again.

The identification of the Queen Acromyrmex, is not difficult, they and all the ants have a hard shell, called the Exoskeleton, their body is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen, and in the acromyrmexs Queens, the abdomen is the biggest of all of anthill. They have flexible antennas that use to investigate objects, feel tastes and smells, and has thorns or bulges in the back that differ from other Attas other ants young Queens have a pair of wings that are used only for the nuptial flight, after this flight they remove the wings.


The Acromyrmex male is one of the least care eggs. Like the Queen, he is born to be male, is the only ant colony that is "male", it is also produced after three years, but can born before or at the beginning of the colony, but it will not last long time.



Your job as the name says, is to leave the colony or nest to Spoon, to Cut and Load back to the nest where have, (unlike what many people think, they do not take leaves to eat, but to feed a fungus that they create), in turn the fungus feed all ants of Acromyrmex anthill.


They take care of the eggs, larvae and cocoons and help the queen to take care of the puppies.

They protect the anthill of attacks, invasions or robberies. All soldiers are characterized by being the only non-fertile ants have a head a little higher than the others.

The Number 4 is the place that Acromyrmex ants put a dump

Take care of cleaning the colony, they carry the garbage to a gallery (compartment) deeper and away from other ants for not transmit diseases. Some examples of waste are fungi and dead ants.

Where they are found?
They can be found throughout Brazil and countries of Latin America in the north, Mexico and some parts of the United States.

What is the life expectancy?

The queen can live 20 up to 25 (twenty) years, The Operatives of 02 (two) to 04 (four) years and males a few months before the nuptial flight where they all go to "slaughter".

What do they eat?

The Acromyrmex eat fungi, a fungus that they themselves create, feed and eat. The Queen before leaving the anthill that she was born, she carries in her mouth a piece of fungus that has this tingling, takes it in his mouth for so settle in a new place can grow it and feed it with the stored fat in her abdomen for 02 (two) months, where eats nothing and only eat food when their the 1st workers born.

Their species and Genres

Nos Estados Unidos existem 02(Dois) espécies de Acromyrmex.

·         Acromyrmex Versicolor

·         Acromyrmex Versicolor Chisosensis

What are your habits?

It is both Day like Night, they do not stop working.

Atta (en)

What are? Where they are found? What is the life expectancy? What do they eat? Their species and Genres. What are your habits?

What are?

The Attas or ants-cutting, of cassava or Leaf Cutter Ant, are eusocial ants, ie very many organized. In your society have breeding ants, protective ants, street-sweeper ants, caretakers and harvesters ants. Displaying 03 (Three) features in their society: The replacement of generations in the same nest, the cooperative care of the nest and the division of tasks (breeding and Operatives). The Society of Attas is divided between breeding ants (queen and male) and the Workers (Collectors, Nurses, cleaners, guards and Farmers).

Breeding Ants


The Queen Atta is the largest of all the anthill ants, and is also the only fertile (It's the only one who can have children, calve or "Get Pregnant"). It is born starting when another Queen have she, ie a "pregnant" queen lays an egg, the egg becomes a larva ("Earthworm") specially created to become sexually mature and active, becomes a pupa (cocoon) there is born a female: The ant queen. (Note .: She is born of that size, it is born a queen) and from egg to adulthood is one of the best nest eggs care, but they are born only after three years the colony was founded and then dating with the male then falls to the ground and starts a new tingling, starting the cycle again.

The identification of Atta Queen, is not difficult, they and all the ants have a hard shell, called the Exoskeleton,and their body is divided into three parts: head, thorax and abdomen (In ants Queens your abdomen is the largest). They have flexible antennas that use to investigate objects, feel tastes and smells, different from other ants of anthill, the ant queens have a pair of wings that are used only for the nuptial flight, after this flight they remove the wings.

Note .: During the larval stage the levels of care and nutrition will determine what type of ant will become. When they receive little food, the larvae become workers; However when a larva receives a lot of food, it will develop into a queen.


The Atta Male ant is one of the least care eggs. Like the Queen, he is born to be male, is the only ant of colony that is the "male", it is also produced after three years, there may be born before or at the beginning of the colony, but he will not last long time.


Gatherers, Harvesters or Cutting

Your job as the name says, is to leave the colony or nest to Spoon, Cut and Load back to the nest where, - unlike what many people think, they do not take leaves to eat, but to feed a fungus that they create that in turn feeds all ants of anthill of Attas.

 Caregivers and Nurses

They take care of the eggs, larvae and pupae (cocoons) and help the queen to take care of the puppies.

Guards and soldiers

Your job is protecting the entire anthill from attacks, invasions and robberies. All soldiers are characterized by being the only non-fertile ants have a big head.

Cleaners and Bins

The image with the number 4 is the anthill Dump and only ants responsible for cleaning the nest has access to it.

Take care of cleaning the colony, they carry the garbage to a gallery (compartment) deeper and away from other ants for not transmit diseases. Some examples of waste are fungi and dead ants.

Where they are found?
They can be found throughout Brazil and countries in the north of Latin America, Mexico and some parts of the United States

What is the life expectancy?

The queen can live 20 up to 25 years, The Operatives 2-4 years and males a few months before the nuptial flight where they all go to "slaughter".

What do they eat?

The Attas eat fungi, Isn't any fungus, is a fungus that they themselves create, feed and eat. The Queen before leaving the anthill that she was born, she carries in her mouth a piece of fungus that has this tingling, taking it in his mouth up to settle in a new place where the fungus can grow it and feed it with the stored fat in her abdomen and for 02 (two) months she don't eats nothing and only eat food, only when your workers are born.

Their species and Genres

In the United States (According to AntWiki) there are two (02) species of Attas.

Atta Mexica is found in mexico (Where is commonly called Hormiga del Desierto(Deserte Ant) and Mochomo, and crosses into Arizona, United States.

·        Atta Texana is found in Texas, Lousiana and northeastern states of mexixo. Have a common name Town ant, Parasol ant, Fungus ant, Texas leafcutter ant, Cut ant and nigth ant.

What are your habits?

It is both Day like Night, they do not stop working.

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2016

O Pescoço da Formiga

O pescoço da formiga

Engenheiros mecânicos ficam impressionados com a habilidade da formiga de levantar cargas muito pesadas do que ela mesma. Para entender como ela consegue fazer isso, engenheiros da Universidade do Estado de Ohio, Estados Unidos da América, criaram modelos em computador para estudar como funciona o pescoço da formiga, bem como sua anatomia e propriedades físicas. Eles criaram esses modelos usando imagens transversais de Raio-X e simulações que medem a resistência do pescoço da Formiga.

O pescoço é uma parte importante da formiga, pois precisa suportar todo o peso da carga que ela carrega na boca. Ele contém tecidos moles que se ligam ao exoesqueleto do corpo e da cabeça como se fossem dedos entrelaçados. O exoesqueleto é um esqueleto externo (Do lado de fora do corpo) que é resistente e leve, com seis pernas que distribuem o peso em diferentes pontos de apoio. O peso que as formigas aguentam varia de acordo com cada espécie, Por exemplo, a Atta ou Saúva suporta 15 até 20 vezes o seu peso, a Atta pesa cerca de 15 mg ou 0,015g ou seja um comprimido de anador é mais pesado que ela, então ela suporta 0,225 g ou 225 mg no pescoço. Para entendermos melhor se um homem tivesse essa força ele carregaria 1 Tonelada e algumas gramas, ou seja, carregaria um carro popular de 800 e poucos quilos na boca usando só a força do pescoço.  Um dos pesquisadores diz: "O formato e a estrutura dessa ligação são tão importantes porque mantêm mais forte a junção entre cabeça e corpo e ajudam o pescoço da formiga a suportar enormes cargas". Os pesquisadores acham que entender bem como o pescoço da formiga funciona vai ajudar a projetar mecanismos robóticos mais eficientes.


domingo, 2 de outubro de 2016

Diferença entre Atta e Acromyrmex

 Diferença entre Atta e Acromyrmex

Depois de saber disso, pronto para um exercício?
O que precisará fazer é dizer quem é Atta e quem é Acromyrmex, Ok?

Vamos lá.
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??

Atta ou Acromyrmex?

Atta ou Acromyrmex??

Atta ou Acromyrmex??

Atta ou Acromyrmex??

Atta ou Acromyrmex??

Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
Atta ou Acromyrmex??
E então? Respondeu tudo certo? Que bom!

Até a próxima Tchau tchau!! :-)